What happens if I pay off my mortgage early? Is this even allowed?


What happens if I pay off my mortgage early? Is this even allowed?


Paying off or debt consolidating a mortgage is an option considered by some who do not wish to deal with making mortgage payments over a 15, 30 or even 40 year period. If you are considering paying off your mortgage early, you need to understand the implications of the decision. The first thing to think about is whether your mortgage has a pre-payment penalty. You can find out whether it does or does not with a simple phone call to your lender.

If your mortgage has no pre-payment penalty, there is very little to prevent you from paying off the mortgage early. In fact, it can be a great idea because you can save money on interest that you would ordinarily pay year after year. Of course, the only thing to be aware of is that paying off your mortgage early does mean giving up money that you could have invested somewhere else (and perhaps invested at a higher interest rate than your mortgage was charging you). Still, some people prefer the piece of mind associated with early mortgage payoff and don't mind the opportunity cost of a missed investment.

If you have questions about the implications of paying off your mortgage early or about any fees you may face in your particular situation, you may wish to speak with an experienced attorney who can provide you with additional guidance.

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