How many times can the same debt be placed on your credit report?


How many times can the same debt be placed on your credit report?


There should not be duplicate reports of the same debt and if the debt has been satisfied, it should be not appearing on your report twice. Often, there can be reporting errors and or delays with the Credit Bureaus that can take from weeks up to months to accurately be resolved. You can contact the Credit Bureaus directly and speak to them about the specific debt that is being placed on your report, explain why it should not be present, and provide the documentation you need to clear the debt. If you are applying for a mortgage or car loan and this reporting error is causing your loan approval to be delayed or denied, you can explain that over the phone to the Credit Bureaus and they can either speed up the clearance process, or provide a letter which states this debt is in fact a mistake that you can provide to the lender.

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