What happens if I ignore the court summons for credit debt?


What happens if I ignore the court summons for credit debt?


Receiving a court summons over credit card debt is something that should not be ignored. Not showing up in court at the date and time stated in the summons will likely come with consequences. A debtor/defendant that no shows stands a good chance of seeing their bank account or pay check garnished by the judge.

What Happens When the Debtor Doesn't Show

Not arriving in court at the appointed time is a form of contempt. While the defendant cannot be held in contempt of court, it doesn't help either. Unless a good reason for not showing was given, the judge will not look too kindly on them. Sometimes a judge takes a more lenient stance and will set another court date, usually a month ahead.

The consequences of not showing can be bad for the defendant's pocket book. A creditor/plaintiff has come to court to collect what's owed to them. Laws back them up by allowing this type of action to be taken. Debt tends to be a very black and white issue in the legal system. It's likely that the judge will find for the plaintiff and allow for garnishment to repay the debt. When there is no garnishment order given, it's still a judgment and will still put a black mark on the debtors credit rating.

Hiring a Lawyer

If you find yourself on the receiving end of a lawsuit for debt, do not try to get around it pro se. A lawyer will help provide an affirmative defense in order to obtain a reasonable settlement.

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