What do I need to file in order to reverse a wage garnishment order?


What do I need to file in order to reverse a wage garnishment order?


Reversing a wage garnishment order is possible, but takes going to court. To do so, you must file a motion to protest the wage garnishment. The motion will allow the court, that granted the wage garnishment, to give you a hearing date.

Reversing a wage garnishment order takes evidence, not your word that you can't pay your bills because of the wage garnishment. In other words, a judge will definitely want to see proof that the wage garnishment is affecting your ability to pay other bills. So before your hearing, make sure you have your bills and paychecks ready to show the judge. Typically, you want show monthly bills such as rent, utilities, credit card bills and medical bills like prescriptions. The judge will look at your bills and paychecks to determine if the wage garnishment needs to stopped.

If the judge agrees with your argument, you won't have to worry about the wage garnishment. However, there is always a chance that the judge will rule against you. This means that the wage garnishment stays in place.

Make sure you speak with a lawyer about stopping a wage garnishment. The lawyer will assist you in winning your case or at least building a good argument against the wage garnishment. If you lose your motion to protest the wage garnishment, a lawyer will also help you. For instance, the lawyer may suggest you talk to the creditor and make monthly payments. Or the lawyer can suggest you file bankruptcy which immediately stops a wage garnishment.

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