What should I do if collection agencies start calling me at home?


What should I do if collection agencies start calling me at home?


When people get in over their heads financially, they become the victims of harassing phone calls from collection agencies. Dealing with bill collectors can be worse than undergoing a root-canal procedure because there is no end in sight. These agencies often practice unscrupulous tactics that are illegal. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) protects consumers from abusive collection efforts. Bill collectors must abide by certain federal laws and if they fail to do so, they can be hit with a lawsuit in which the consumer can recover damages.

Just Hang Up

Popular news magazine shows have exposed collection agencies engaging in behavior that is downright unethical, illegal and harmful. Whether the individual owes a legitimate debt or not, the person cannot be put in jail, have their wages garnished or be subjected to obscene language or racial slurs. Don't waste your time dealing with these people over the phone. Send a certified letter to the collection agency telling them to cease and desist. They cannot contact the debtor again by phone unless they are calling to tell you there will be no further communication or that they are pursing legal action. Bill collectors must send a written notice apprising the debtor regarding the amount they owe and the name of the creditor.

How Lawyers Can Stop Harassment

Consumers that have fallen behind in their payments don't need to be subjected to threats. Most of the time they are aware that they owe money but are unable to make payments due to unemployment or other financial hardships. Most Americans want to pay their bills and the last thing they need is to be constantly harassed. Consider hiring a debt settlement attorney to find out what options you have in getting your financial issues resolved. An experienced lawyer can draft a letter on your behalf to prevent harassing phone calls and stop the insanity.

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