What are the illegal phone collection tactics commonly used?


What are the illegal phone collection tactics commonly used?


Recognizing illegal phone collection practices is pretty easy. Debt collectors that use profane language in direct or telephone contacts with the consumer or his family to collect a debt is one illegal tactic. Another is making any sort of threat against the consumer or members of his family in connection with attempting to collect a debt. Phoning the alleged debtor at all hours of the day or night to collect a debt and contacting the alleged debtor's employer, friends, neighbors and family members to get information on the debtor's current address, ability to pay on a debt or any other information are both additional forms of illegal debt collection practices. Making a debtors telephone ring again and again to just to harass the debtor is yet another illegal collection practice. Falsely representing to a debtor in a telephone contact to collect on a debt that the collector is member of the police or other authority to force that payment of the debt is another illegal practice.

Fair Debt Collection Act

Debt collection isstrongly regulated by State and Federal law. The main federal law regulating how a debt may be legally collected is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If a consumer believes that his or her rights have been violated by a debt collector then the best step is to contact the Federal Trade Commission by telephone or on line and file a complaint against the offending debt collector.

Getting Legal Help

The contact a debt collection attorney to further protect yourself and assert your rights under State and Federal fair debt collection laws. Nobody has to live in fear of debt collectors that are engaging in illegal abuse and harassment to collect on a debt.

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