What's the necessary documentation for a wage garnishment exemption?


What's the necessary documentation for a wage garnishment exemption?


Wage garnishment can have a big impact on your standard of living and that of your family if you cannot file for certain exemptions. Although it is allowed by law that creditors can force payments for debts, the law does not allow creditors to put borrowers in poverty or worsen their economic situations. There are many wage garnishment exemption you can file if you find yourself in this position. Exemptions can apply to benefits from social security and disability insurances. Check too if your state has provisions concerning dependents for wage garnishment exemption. It is best if you consult with a lawyer who is an expert in wage garnishment to be able to maximize the exemptions available in your state.

In order to qualify for different exemptions, you need to submit proper documentation to support your claims. Since garnishment is applied to net income, be ready with your pay stubs showing how much are left with you in every pay period. If your state gives deductions for dependents, you can also include their birth certificates or any document showing that they are dependent on you for their living. If part of your wages comes from social security or disability insurance, submit the documents that would show how much money is coming from social services or insurances. In short, every bill or document that supports your claim for exemption should be submitted in court. Your legal counsel can properly help you in this regard so that you retain as much of your income as possible.

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