New Jersey Debt Settlement Lawyers

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Lebedin Kofman LLP

Aggressive Representation, Personal Attention to Every Client. Hundreds of 5-star reviews! Call us today for a free consultation and an attorney will return your call within 5 minutes to discuss your case and explain how we can help. We get results.

Garden City, NY

At Lebedin Kofman LLP, we are attentive legal representatives, and we understand the difficulties that you are facing.

Stephen M. Goldberg, PC

Caring, Experienced Counsel

Green Brook, NJ

The current firm was organized in 1996.We have a general practice undertaking matters concerning real estate, family law, bankruptcy, small business matters and consumer protection.Example casesWe process many consumer Chapter 7's and 13's. Our clients and our documents are well prepared.

Extinguish Debt, LLC

A Debt Relief advocate that has partnered with a Consumer Right's Firm specializing in disputing and resolving your debts to help you become lendable again!

Indianapolis, IL

If you received a link to this profile page, you will be contacted by Extinguish Debt, an advocate intake center that has partnered with a Consumer Right's Firm specializing in disputing and resolving your debts to help you become lendable again! The benefits are letters sent to your

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