How do I initiate a medical bill dispute?


How do I initiate a medical bill dispute?


Initiating a medical bill dispute is an important step in getting a reduced debt for some people. It is quite common that medical providers will overbill for procedures. In-house errors can happen easily. In addition to this, one department may not be communicating with another. And, in some cases, medical providers are simply dishonest. In all of these situations, it is important to dispute a medical bill.

How to Dispute a Medical Debt

If you have received a medical bill you do not believe is accurate, or if you are unsure if it is, there are several steps you can take to make the medical provider prove the charges are legitimate. The following are some of those steps.

  • Contact the medical billing company within the first 30 days of receiving the bill in the mail. During this time, you have the best opportunity to dispute charges.
  • Ask for an itemized statement outlining what the costs are, who provided the service and who approved the medical expenses. (In some cases, approval is given at the time you check yourself in to the facility.)
  • Review the statement. Look for the same procedure being billed more than one time. Look for duplicate amounts of the same charges through various departments.
  • Use the dates on this document to verify the services. In many cases, you will see the name of a physician who provided a service as well. Be sure these are the times and dates you were receiving services and the right doctor.

Any time you find an error, ask the medical biller for proof of the transaction, including your signature. Disputing charges can help you to cut your costs—but only when successful. An attorney can help you with this process.

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