What are the negative consequences of a credit card judgment?


What are the negative consequences of a credit card judgment?


A credit card judgment is the worst thing to be slapped with. Not only does it signify to other creditors that you are not risk-worthy, it ruins income by having a garnishment attached to the bank account or payroll. It may take years to pay off a debt through a garnishment.

The Major Negative Affects of Having a Credit Card Judgment

First and foremost, income is hit the hardest. The reason why the issue got to the point of having to be in court is because there was no money available for payment. Survival comes first. Debt collectors do not care about this and will use the law to get the money. They can do this because signing for a card includes an agreement that the balance will be repaid no matter what. Some judges will side with the debtor and rule in their favor, others will agree with the creditor. It is risky to get to this point.

Once a judgment is obtained, the collector can now start tapping into the checking account or payroll at a certain percentage each month. The specific amount depends on the state. This will go on until the outstanding debt is satisfied, potentially crippling the debtor.

Contact a Lawyer

The bell cannot be easily un-rung once a judgment is obtained. However, a lawyer can minimize the damage that has been done. The best thing to do is be proactive and hire a lawyer before the situation gets to the courts.

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