ACM Group: FDCPA Violations and Debtor Harassment

ACM Group is a collections agency which collects debts from debtors. It is a debt acquisition company. If you are receiving harassing calls at inappropriate hours, you may be able to put an end to such activity by taking legal action.

FDCPA Debt Regulations

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) regulates debt collector practices in collecting money from debtors. Violation of the law can result in penalties for a debt collector. Here are some of the things a creditor or debt collector is not allowed to do when collecting debt from you:

  • A debt collector cannot misrepresent the amount of money you owe;
  • The collector cannot add to your debt fees that your original credit or loan agreement does not allow;
  • Repeated telephone calls may be considered harassment under FDCPA;
  • Use of obscene, profane or abusive language is considered harassment;
  • Calls received by a debtor before 8:00 a.m. and after 9:00 p.m. are considered harassment;
  • If a collector calls you when the collector knows it is inconvenient for you, it is harassment;
  • Threats of violence if you do not pay your debt are not allowed under FDCPA;
  • Other threats of action a collector cannot or will not take is not allowed under FDCPA; and
  • A collector is not allowed to tell others about your debt without your consent with the exception of your lawyer, spouse, parent (if you are a minor) or a credit reporting agency.

Getting Legal Advice

If you are being harassed due to debt you have rights. An experienced lawyer can help you evaluate your debt situation and which options are available given your circumstances. A lawyer can help you get your situation under control by helping you create a viable plan for the future. Talk to a lawyer today about what your options are and commence a new start.

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